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Creating Joyous Living Spaces Through Interior Design

At Sage and Oak Studios, we take a holistic approach to interior design by creating and transforming spaces that combine aesthetic, comfort, and functionality to achieve our clients’ visions. Sometimes it can be difficult for a homeowner to see past the four walls of a room. Bringing in a set of fresh eyes from our experienced design team could be the key to unlocking your living space’s potential. Learn more about our process below.

Our Process

The Discovery Call

You’ll start with a complimentary phone consultation where we will get to know more about you and your project. We feel that ensuring our services and work fit your needs is the most important first step in the process. Our strongest and most successful work is achieved by building a solid rapport and comfortable relationship with you.

On-Site Consultation

After the phone consultation, it’s time to get hands-on within your space. We will meet you in your property to discuss your goals, begin conceptualizing the design, finalize parameters, and gather all of the measurements and information we need to start bringing your project to life.

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Time to Design

After the on-site consultation, our team will get to work on creating a comprehensive custom design for your space. We will reveal our design vision to you through a detailed presentation where we will go through each of the options step-by-step to ensure you feel completely comfortable moving forward. Once we have your stamp of approval, you can sit back and relax while we handle the rest!

Order and Preparation

Immediately after your approval, we will be hard at work behind the scenes ordering components, working with vendors, managing subcontractors if they’re involved, and making sure all of the elements are in place for your new space. If your project involves any renovations or mini-demo, you may have to endure a little construction dust and some power tools but, trust us, it will be totally worth it!

Implementing Your Design

The most exciting time of your interior design project and everyone’s favorite day! Our team of designers, stylists, and handymen will spend the day implementing all of the design elements and styling every detail of your new space. Our favorite aspect of the entire process is the big reveal moment when our clients finally get to see their dream home become a reality. It is the most rewarding part of our work, and we cannot wait to share that moment with you.

Interior Design FAQs

Everything and anything from as little to as much as you need! Our interior design services are broken down into two service categories.

  • Full-Service Designs: These include everything from simple “no-reno” or minimal demo designs to complete renovations working with a licensed contractor. These could be limited to one room in your home or re-designing multiple rooms.
  • Home Refreshes: This is the perfect option for customers who don’t require the full-service design experience. Our designer will provide professional help and a keen vision for laying things out and pulling them all together.

If none of these options are right for you, we can create a customized plan to suit your needs.

Common phrases in the world of interior design include “mood boards to reality” and “rendering to reality.” As an interior design business, we use mood boards or design renderings to create an initial vision of our ideas that lay out the placement of furniture, floor coverings, wall colors, and lighting. This provides our clients with a graphic to understand our direction before implementation.

We offer both choices to clients to ensure you have the most suitable option for your preference and budget. However, our interior design services are only available for local clients within the DMV. Interior design is a better choice over our virtual service if you:

  • Prefer in-person communication with your designer and want someone to walk through your home during consultations and design meetings
  • Want the measurements and photographs taken for you
  • Need custom work like cabinetry or construction included in your project that you aren’t comfortable outsourcing or coordinating yourself
  • Want your designer to handle ordering the deliveries
  • Want your designer to set up your space for you with a big reveal event once it’s completed

The cost of interior design services is based on the scope of the project and the time involved in planning and executing the final project. Estimates for your interior design will be discussed after the on-site consultation.

Reviving the Old. Bringing in the New.

Creating a Lifestyle